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Field report.
Van Wagensveld, T. P., Goetz, M., de Boer, M. (2020) Lesser Antillean iguana (Iguana delicatissima). Iguanas Fly First Class! ISG Newsletter. Vol 18: 20-22.
Scientific literature.
Van den Burg, M. P., Meirmans, P. G., van Wagensveld, T. P., Kluskens, B., Madden, H., Welch, M. E., Breeuwer, J. A. J. (2018). The Lesser Antillean Iguana (Iguana delicatissima) on St. Eustatius: Genetically depauperate and threatened by ongoing hybridization. Journal of Heredity 109: 426–437.
Van den Burg, M. P., Madden, H., van Wagensveld, T. P., Buma, C. (2018): Anthropogenic Mortality in the Critically Endangered Lesser Antillean Iguana (Iguana delicatissima) on St. Eustatius. IRCF Reptiles and Amphibians 25: 120–124.
Van Wagensveld, T. P., & van den Burg, M. P. (2018). First record on fecundity of an Iguana hybrid and its implications for conservation: evidence for genetic swamping by non-native iguanas. Herpetology Notes, 11, 1079-1082.
Scientific literature.
Jesse, W.A.M., Madden, H., Molleman, J., van Wagensveld, T.P. (2016): First Recorded Introduction for the Saba Anole (Anolis sabanus) and an Overview of Introduced Amphibians and Reptiles on St. Eustatius. IRCF Reptiles and Amphibians 23: 144–146.

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